13400 N Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73120

(510) 529-8377

13400 N Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73120

(510) 529-8377



The allure of cigars lies in their rich tradition and the distinctive experiences they offer. Each cigar is a product of meticulous craftsmanship, often handmade by skilled artisans. As a symbol of celebration and relaxation, cigars have carved out a unique space in social culture, providing moments of indulgence and reflection. Five Star Vapes & Tobacco recognizes this cultural significance. We are committed to delivering an exceptional selection of cigars that cater to seasoned connoisseurs and those new to cigar smoking.

Our smoke shop is a haven for cigar enthusiasts, boasting a curated collection of cigars. Beyond our cigars, we offer bongs, hemp flowers, and kratom, providing natural alternatives for relaxation and wellness. We carefully sourced our products to ensure quality and satisfaction with every purchase. Contact Five Star Vapes & Tobacco to find the ideal cigar for your upcoming get-together or leisure time. Experience the difference of shopping at a smoke shop that prioritizes quality and customer satisfaction.